Starting a Harvest USA Partner Ministry in Your Church

The need to address sexual sin in our churches has never been more important. Check out our main article from our Spring 2016 magazine newsletter (“Living Faithfully with our Bodies: It Still Matters, But the Church Must Help”). It makes a persuasive case for why a whole church commitment is needed to help sexual strugglers. To be effective and powerful, good theology must always move into people’s lives. As was said in the main article, “Something more than words of expectation and exhortation are needed.” What is needed are brothers and sisters to come alongside, partner with, and help strugglers walk in God’s truth.

This is why Harvest USA has developed a program called Partner Ministries. Increasing freedom from sexual sin cannot happen outside the body of Christ, and we want to equip and train churches to be that body that graciously and compassionately comes alongside strugglers with the mercy and truth of Jesus Christ.

Our Partner Ministries team seeks to do exactly what our name describes. We want to partner with churches in ministry to sexual strugglers. We recognize this is a hard area of ministry and that more specific training is often necessary—and that is what we can provide.

What does a Partner Ministry with Harvest USA look like?

Unlike our other seminars and training events, establishing a Partner Ministries connection with Harvest USA is an ongoing relationship. We want to be a resource for your church that you can access to continually improve your own ministry to sexual strugglers. How does this relationship develop?

  1. We meet with your key pastors and leaders to discuss what your church needs for establishing a ministry to sexual strugglers and develop with you a ministry plan.
  1. Before we come to your church for training, we’ll prime the pump with your key volunteers by sending you some of our resources to help get them thinking.
  1. We come out to your church and do an intensive weekend training where we will equip your people on how to do sexual brokenness ministry, from understanding how sexual brokenness develops all the way through how to set up and run biblical support groups for men and women.
  1. After that training, your church has ongoing access to our latest resources, including print and video resources, along with quick access to one of our ministry staff if your church needs a quick answer or is dealing with a crisis situation.
  1. We’ll also keep in touch with you periodically to see how things are going, provide feedback, and be available to come back to your church for further teaching and training.

Interested? Got questions? Email Brooke Delaney at [email protected], and she will send you our Partner Ministries booklet to get you and your church started.