Invisible Destruction: COVID-19 and Sexual Sin

COVID-19 has the real ability to destroy lives and families, but, in Christ, our true hope rests in the God who raises the dead. Sexual sin also has the powerful ability to destroy lives. But for all who have experienced the ravages of this sin, there is hope in the God who takes what was dead and makes it alive. No matter how far your sin has taken you, you are not out of the reach of Christ’s redemption.

In this video, Mark Sanders highlights the similarities between COVID-19 and the destruction caused by sexual sin.

To learn more about this topic, consider purchasing How to Say No When Your Body Says Yes by Dan Wilson or Hide or Seek: When Men Get Real with God About Sex  by John Freeman. When you buy these resources from Harvest USA, 100% of your purchase will benefit our ministry.

You can also read the blog, Redeem Your Quarantine: Help for Fighting Sexual Temptations, which corresponds to this video.